Hall of Fame
Welcome to Ovens and Murray Hall of Fame. Established in 2005, the purpose of the O&M Hall of Fame is to recognise and promote the outstanding achievements of our greatest players, dedicated administrators and club support staff and long serving media representatives and to encourage everyone, young and old, to reach their sport and life potential.
The Ovens and Murray League has a long and rich history. Through our Hall of Fame we aim to preserve this sporting heritage by honouring these great players, and use their values and experience to inspire our future stars.

- Hall of Fame Structure
1.1 The Board of the SS&A Ovens & Murray shall appoint or replace any members of the SS&A Ovens & Murray Hall of Fame Committee as it sees fit. The committee will be able to make recommendations to the Board if a replacement is required.
1.2 The Hall of Fame committee shall comprise of a total of seven persons, once formalised after the League AGM, the committee shall submit a candidate to perform the role as Chairman of the Hall of Fame committee, and the position of Chairman is to be confirmed by the League Board.
1.3 At least one member of the League Board shall sit on the Hall of Fame committee, as decided by the League Board.
1.4 The Hall of Fame committee may with the confirmation of the Board appoint one or more honorary historian’s to assist the committee.
1.5 One member of the Hall of Fame committee is to be appointed as Secretary and take minutes which are to be tabled to the league within a fortnight of an official meeting.
1.6 The League administration staff is to have no formal involvement with the Hall of Fame committee other than the planning of the official function together with the committee.
1.7 The Hall of Fame committee is to conduct at least three meetings a year in the months of December, February & March plus the official Hall of Fame function in July of each year if persons are to be inducted into the Hall of Fame.
1.8 The Board of the SS&A Ovens & Murray League shall be the only body able to change the SS&A Ovens & Murray Hall of Fame structure or selection criteria, although the Hall of Fame Committee may from time to time table submissions to the League Board.
1.9 The Hall of Fame must at all times, work within the Hall of Fame Structure and Selection Criteria rules.
- Hall of Fame Function
2.1 Subject to Clause 2.2 The Hall of Fame Function will be conducted on a yearly basis on a date agreeable by the Committee, League Board & administration during the month of July.
2.2 If no persons are to be nominated as a Hall of Fame inductee or elevation to Legend there shall be no official function for that year.
2.3 Although the function will be official hosted by the Hall of Fame committee the league will have the final say on venue depending on sponsorship agreements or expenses.
2.4 No expenses are to be incurred by the Hall of Fame committee unless agreed to by the league board if not in current league budget or the League General Managers approval if within league budget.
2.5 The Hall of Fame function shall be and remain an intimate affair with guest restricted to committee, board, inductees with guests, sponsors, media guests & previously selected inductees.
2.6 The League reserves the right to sell the naming rights to the Hall of Fame and the Hall of Fame Function to ensure the quality of the event and promotion.
- Hall of Fame Selection Criteria
3.1 The committee shall consider a candidate’s outstanding service and overall contribution to the SS&A Ovens & Murray in determining a candidate’s eligibility for induction into the Hall of Fame.
3.2 Without limiting clause 3.1, the committee may consider a candidate’s individual record, ability, integrity, sportsmanship and character.
3.3 The number of games played, coached or umpired or the years of service provided shall only be a consideration and shall not be determinative in assessing a candidate’s eligibility.
3.4 A player, coach, umpire, administrator, office bearer or media representative involved with the SS&A Ovens & Murray may be eligible for induction into the Hall of Fame.
3.5 Candidates shall be adjudged on the basis of their overall contribution to SS&A Ovens & Murray as apposed to one specific aspect.
3.6 A Player may only be eligible for induction into the SS&A Ovens & Murray Hall of Fame if that player has retired from playing all levels of football or netball for a minimum of 36 months.
3.6(a) A player may return for his previous club to play Reserve Grade in order to help his club overcome a -player shortage and remain eligible for Induction into the SS&A Ovens & Murray Hall of Fame. A limit of six games will be allowed for the player to remain eligible.
3.7 A member of the committee may be a candidate but shall not vote for his or her induction into the Hall of Fame.
3.8 There shall be no special order of precedence given to Hall of Fame inductees.
3.9 There shall be a maximum of five inductees to the Hall of Fame and a maximum of one legend in each year. There is no minimum requirement.
3.10 Subject to Clause 3.7 all SS&A Ovens & Murray Hall of Fame Committee members are required to vote on the induction of a candidate into the Hall of Fame whether in attendance at the meeting or not. If the committee member is not attending then their vote shall be in writing and tabled at the meeting by the Secretary.
3.11 For a candidate to be inducted into the SS&A Ovens & Murray Hall of Fame they must receive at least 80% of the votes in favour from the Hall of Fame Committee members.
3.12 For a candidate to be inducted into the SS&A Ovens & Murray Hall of Fame as a Legend they must receive at least 80% of the votes in favour from the Hall of Fame Committee members.
3.13 Candidates shall be inducted in the SS&A Ovens & Murray Hall of Fame on the basis of the selection criteria and such inductees as determined by the Committee shall not require further ratification by the Board.
3.14 A special category of induction for a sixth inductee from the Pre World War 2 era may be utilized to allow for the induction of deceased persons if required.
- Legends Selection Criteria
4.1 There shall be a special category of inductees of the Hall of Fame known as “Legends”
4.2 The classification of Legend will be applied to honour those persons who have had the most significant impact on the SS&A Ovens & Murray and caused the game or organisation to change significantly for the better. Legends should be persons who immediately come to mind when the people of the SS&A Ovens & Murray at the very pinnacle are discussed.
4.3 The title of “Legend” should be bestowed by the Committee on no more than 20% of the enshrines of the Hall of Fame.
4.4 The Committee shall recommend to the SS&A Ovens & Murray Board how to recognise “Legends” in the Hall of Fame.